If I remember correctly, you could get a receipt if you asked for one.
should jw give receipt when donations are given to them on the 'preaching work'?.
last week, when i gave a donation to the firemen for their calendar, they gave me a receipt.. joe
If I remember correctly, you could get a receipt if you asked for one.
is there a new breed of jw emerging, i wonder?.
i know that there are lots of real brainwashed dubs around who see demons behind every car boot sale item and who scuttle off to the elders with every bit of tittle-tattle imaginable, but, i think that there is a new type of dub who quietly does just as he / she pleases.. this is what i think: many of the long-serving jw's who have seen the 1975 failure and the 1914 generation change are now approaching old age with something of a jaundiced eye, and are choosing to do their own thing in their remaining years.
in conversations i am picking up it seems that the elders are being regarded somewhat derisively by many jw's.
My Grandmother has been a JW for 50 years. She had a brother who was killed in France in 1944 (WW2). When I was a kid, 30 years ago, she would comment that she didn't feel bad that he was killed because he got what he deserved (he volunteered in 1939 as soon as the war started) Now, she has asked me to use the internet to find out what exactly happened to him. I gladly did this for her, and was pleased to report to her that he was a platoon sargent who was considered a "legend" by his fellow soldiers (I guess because he was in it from the start) After all these years, she told me that she is proud of him, and the sacrifice he made. We have visited a few times since, and she now talks about him often, and her 3 other brothers who fought in France. And yes, she still is an active JW!
i feel sorry for all jw's who get sucked in by the thinking "we will love you as long as you are good enough for jah.
" but, i feel worse for the children.
adults are able to decide for themselves, whether it's a religion that they want to persue.
How about having to get up and walk out of school assemblies in the gymnasium when the national anthem starts? Worse yet, having to come back in and face hundreds of faces laughing at you? All this at 6 years old!
That's gotta mess you up somehow!!
i have been on this site for a bite.
reading posts and where are all the jw's?
we have people who have gotten out of the watchtower, good for all of you.
Hi Makena1,
If you do not turn in a time card (I forget the actual term for it) at the end of the month you become irregular. If you continuously don't report your time, you become inactive. At this point you are no longer counted in as a "publisher". So technically you are only considered a JW if you report time. Meeting attendance, personal study, prayer, good Christian conduct etc. are pointless if you don't go out in service. The last meeting I ever attended had a talk where they brought this point out crystal clear. Since I could not go to people's doors and blantantly lie to them any more, it became pointless to continue associating. Like others who posted in this thread, I am neither DF'd or DA'd but just faded into oblivion, but I DO NOT consider myself a JW anymore.
this is really cool, if you have nothing better to do.
think of a dictator or tv sit-com character, and answer all the questions as if you were that character.
the system will figure out who you are.
I thought I would stump it by choosing Curly from the 3 stooges. But it guessed it correctly!
the second study article of the november 15, 2001 watchtower is entitled jehovah is our refuge.
on page 19 under the subheading.
no calamity will befall us in paragraph 14 the following is stated:.
Hi Blondie,
The magazines still come in the mail? They stopped that in Canada at least 10 years ago. I thought it was like that everywhere. Instead of mailing them, we used to drive slowly around town delivering them, and the big pay-off was we could count the time.
may you all have peace!.
once again, i have received a 'writing' on my heart, which i am directed to share with any and all who will 'receive' it.. for many years, the wtbts and others have taught the "nephilim" to be the offspring of angels who had relations with the daughters of men, half-breed beings that wreaked havoc in a violent way in the earth during the days of noah, just prior to the flood.
that, dear ones... is an error... and a lie.. by the spirit of my father, the holy one of israel, jah of armies, that is in me by means of christ, i say to you that the "nephilim"... are spirit creatures, ancient beings... 'of old'... princes from the spirit realm, the 'wicked spirit forces'... that came to the earth to 'fell' earthling man in the days of noah.. these being are those that i saw standing to the left of my father's throne, shrouded in darkness, and 'egging' on the 'battle' between to the two brilliant cherubs on the ark, the 'arkangels', which i related to you previously on h20.
On the subject of Adam and Eve... (sort of):
Does the Genesis account of the temptation of Eve really not say more about the sin of pride than an issue of "Universal Sovereignty"? When I read that account, I see that Eve was offered to be like God, not replace him. See Gen 3:5. The offer was to be "like God, knowing good and bad". This is what appealed to Eve. Once again, I feel the JWs missed the point on this one. How many times in the Bible does God condemn a haughty spirit? It's almost a constant theme. It's still a problem today. The ego which works in all of us, still tries to make us like God. We crave praise, and to some extent even worship.
Any thoughts?
laura schlessinger is a us radio personality who dispenses advice to.
i have tried asking, but most women take offense.. d) lev.
he violates lev.
Hey!! Be nice. Us Canadians have feelings too, eh!!
may you all have peace!.
once again, i have received a 'writing' on my heart, which i am directed to share with any and all who will 'receive' it.. for many years, the wtbts and others have taught the "nephilim" to be the offspring of angels who had relations with the daughters of men, half-breed beings that wreaked havoc in a violent way in the earth during the days of noah, just prior to the flood.
that, dear ones... is an error... and a lie.. by the spirit of my father, the holy one of israel, jah of armies, that is in me by means of christ, i say to you that the "nephilim"... are spirit creatures, ancient beings... 'of old'... princes from the spirit realm, the 'wicked spirit forces'... that came to the earth to 'fell' earthling man in the days of noah.. these being are those that i saw standing to the left of my father's throne, shrouded in darkness, and 'egging' on the 'battle' between to the two brilliant cherubs on the ark, the 'arkangels', which i related to you previously on h20.
Hi Teejay and Tatiana,
The writings I mentioned are from a compilation called the Forgotten Books of Eden. Besides the account of Adam and Eve, there is a book called "The Secrets of Enoch". Remember how the Bible states that God took Enoch away? (Gen 5:24) This book describes where he went, and what he saw. In fact reading these accounts fills in the gaps where the book of Genesis is very vague. Whether you view it as fact or myth would be totally dependant on how you view the Bible account of Genesis. If you think it's a myth, than these books will enhance the myth. If you believe the Bible, you would be astounded by what you read.
I think you can get this at Chapters. It's $17.99 US ($23.99 CAD)The complete title is "The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden". I got it on-line, but I'd rather not say where. (I mentioned the web site on H20 a while back, and got a lot of negative, close-minded responses)
I hope you find it.
Maybe this will help: ISBN 0-452-00944-8
may you all have peace!.
once again, i have received a 'writing' on my heart, which i am directed to share with any and all who will 'receive' it.. for many years, the wtbts and others have taught the "nephilim" to be the offspring of angels who had relations with the daughters of men, half-breed beings that wreaked havoc in a violent way in the earth during the days of noah, just prior to the flood.
that, dear ones... is an error... and a lie.. by the spirit of my father, the holy one of israel, jah of armies, that is in me by means of christ, i say to you that the "nephilim"... are spirit creatures, ancient beings... 'of old'... princes from the spirit realm, the 'wicked spirit forces'... that came to the earth to 'fell' earthling man in the days of noah.. these being are those that i saw standing to the left of my father's throne, shrouded in darkness, and 'egging' on the 'battle' between to the two brilliant cherubs on the ark, the 'arkangels', which i related to you previously on h20.
There are ancient writings discovered in Egypt called "The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan" which refer to these "Nephilim" as "The Watchers", and lists the number of them as 30.
Very interesting reading, as it speaks of "The Word" walking among the garden. It also contains quite a few prophecies about the time line of humanity.
Just my 2 cents worth.